Rowen Henriksen

My full name is Rowen Henriksen born in 1989 I’m 28 years of age. I’m Engaged to my wonderful partner Jordan, we have a 5 year old daughter named Lila. I am a carpenter by trade and I've Lived in the Ipswich region my whole life.
When I was 6 my Grand Father would take me fishing. We would go camping every school holidays. I would make sure that all the rods were packed and ready to go when we arrived. I only ever fished with bait. When I was 14 we went camping one weekend with the family at Rathdowney Campgrounds. My brothers and I were walking along the bank when my younger brother stood on a small Spinner Bait Lure and got the treble hook stuck in his foot. We pulled it out and I decided to tie it onto my rod and throw it out to see what would happen. Well sure enough I caught 4-5 bass from one snag. The way that these fish hit lures got me hooked straight away, and that’s what started my lure addiction. I've always been a big believer in catch and release with native fish. There is nothing more enjoyable then to watch them swim away and to know that they will still be around for the next person to catch. Most of all I love fishing fresh water dams, rivers and creeks. This is where I grew up fishing, but one day I will tick off some saltwater species.